Delaware News


EXPORT DELAWARE invits Delaware small businesses to join a business trip
Date Posted: March 25, 2021

EDGE Grant Program To Reopen to Benefit Promising Early-Stage Delaware Small Businesses
Date Posted: March 24, 2021

lipun laskeminen uhreille Coloradossa
päivämäärä lähetetty: March 23, 2021

Logo for the Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs
Caura Ground Identified At John Dickinson Plantation
Date Posted: March 23, 2021

Former Wilmington Police Officer Faces Felony Charges Following Grand Jury Chargment
Date Posted: maaliskuuta 2021

Covid-19 vaccine waiting list now open to Delawareans 50+
Date posted: March 23, 2021

March 23, 2021: Covid-19 Briefing
Date posted: March 23, 2021

rahastonhoitaja Davis vastaanottamaan ja jakamaan Pelastussuunnitelmarahoja Delaware Townsille
Date Posted: March 22, 2021

University of Delaware
College is an Option for Individuals with disability
Date Posted: March 22, 2021 2021

Junior partners in policymaking attendes
Junior partners in policymaking
Date posted: March 22, 2021

dnrec launches Earth Day Video Contest
Date posted: Maaliskuuta 2021

Governor Carney, DPH, DEMA Announce Community COVID-19 Testing Sites
Date Posted: March 19, 2021

Weekly COVID-19 Update – March 19, 2021: Average Daily Cases Flatten Out, vastikään ilmoitettujen kuolemantapausten väheneminen
Date posted: March 19, 2021

Governor Carney ja dsha announce Reaving of covid-19 rental assistance program
Date posted: March 19, 2021

image of a calendar
Delaware income tax deadlines Extended
Lähettämispäivä: March 19, 2021

Governor Carney Formally Extends State of Emergency
Date Posted: March 19, 2021

Teen Working in coffee shop
Kent County Transition to Life Virtual Fair
Date Posted: March 19, 2021

logo historiallis-kulttuuriasiain osastolle
historialliset asiat sponsoroi seitsemää ohjelmaa huhtikuussa 2021
Date posted: March 19, 2021

the working waterfront at Bowers Beach in Kent County
CARES Act Funds Available for Fishery-Related Businesses
Date Posted: March 19, 2021

Delaware Flag Status - half staff
Flag madaling For the Victims Of the ampuminen in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area
Date posted: March 18, 2021

cherry tomatoes with the text specialty crop Block grants 2021 overlayed with website
Delaware Department of Agriculture announces specialty crop grant availability
Date posted: Maaliskuuta 2021

puiden istutus Delawaressa
Delawaren maatalousministeriö ensimmäisenä Valtion virastona tekemään Pledge
Date Posted: March 18, 2021

Eligible Seniors 65 and Older Can Sign Up for Vaccination This Weekend
Date Posted: March 17, 2021

Compassionate Champion Award Nominations Open thru April 15
Nominations Open for 2021 Compassionate Champion Awards
Date posted: March 17, 2021

Kuva Delawaren työministeriön logosta ja osavaltion sinetistä
PETOSVAROITUS: Yhdysvaltain oikeusministeriö varoittaa tekaistuista Työttömyyskorvaussivustoista
päivämäärä julkaistu: 17. maaliskuuta 2021

huomio sijoittajat –, Tower Equity, Chase Metals, and Barrick Capital Receivership Claim Deadline
Date Posted: March 16, 2021

Lähikuva kädestä pitelemässä alle 4 tuuman pituista punakorvakilpikonnaa
dda varoittaa Punakorvakilpikonnien omistajia mahdollisesta Salmonellariskistä
Date Posted: March 16, 2021

updates on COVID-19 rokotusohjelma
kuvernööri Carney ilmoittaa covid-19-rokotusohjelman päivityksistä
: March 16, 2021

a helicopter contracted by DNREC Mosquito Control sprays for Woodland Pool mosquities
Mosquito Control sprays of Woodland Pools to Begin
Date Posted: March 16, 2021

March 16, 2021: COVID-19 Briefing
Date posted: March 16, 2021

State Forest Camping now open to the public
Date posted: March 15, 2021

weekly covid-19 update – March 12, 2021: Average Daily Cases, Hospitalizations Decline as Rokotepyrkimykset Continue
Date Posted: March 12, 2021

Girl holding up drink promoting not driving while driving
Don ’t Be a Statistic: charge a Sober Driver for St. Patrick’ s Weekend
Date Posted: March 12, 2021

Governor Carney, DPH, Dema announce Community Covid-19 testing sites - week of March 15
governor Carney, DPH, Dema announce community covid-19 testing sites
Date posted: March 12, 2021

man gets covid-19 rokottaa.
DHSS Tests Using Paratransit to Help Bring COVID-19 Vaccine to article Delawareans
Date Posted: March 12, 2021

Green bunches of broccoli
Delaware Fruit and Vegetable Growers Who Pass Food Safety Auditations required for cost-Share
Date Posted: March 12, 2021

State Auditor McGuiness to monitor American Rescue plan funding sent to Delaware
Date posted: March 12, 2021

Red Clay Creek
Upstate stream Trout season to open early
Date posted: March 12, 2021

Getting Tax Credit for Your Employees Just Got easer: Introducing The New Delaware certlink
Delaware Businesses Can Receive Up To $9,600 in Tax Credit Per Employee
Date Posted: March 12, 2021

Treasurer Davis taputtaa signing of the American Rescue plan Act of 2021
Date posted: March 11, 2021

voittoa tavoittelematon Security Grant Program accepting applications
Date posted: March 9, 2021

Delawaren 2021-2025 Strategic Highway Safety Plan finalised
Date Posted: March 9, 2021

March 9, 2021: COVID-19 Briefing
Date Posted: March 9, 2021 2021

State Auditor McGuiness: Delaware ’ s cares Act funding expend increases by $12 million over previous week
Date posted: March 8, 2021

the mezzanine gallery to exhibition paintings by Constance M. Simon
Date posted: 8. maaliskuuta 2021

Uudet positiiviset tapaukset alkavat tasaantua; DPH vahvistaa ensimmäisen COVID-19-tapauksen eteläafrikkalaisen variantin kanssa
Date Posted: March 5, 2021

Governor Carney, DPH, DEMA Announce Community COVID-19 Testing Sites
Date Posted: 5. maaliskuuta 2021

kuvernööri Carney ilmoittaa Covid-19-rokotusohjelman päivityksistä; kouluttajien rokotukset laajenivat OSAVALTIOTAPAHTUMIEN ja liittovaltion kumppanuuden kautta Walgreensin kanssa; Rokotukset alkavat myös siipikarjatehtailla
kuvernööri Carney ilmoittaa COVID-19-rokotusohjelman päivityksistä
Date Posted: March 5, 2021

Dover-mies tuomittiin yhteensä 125 vuodeksi vankeuteen alaikäisten seksuaalisesta hyväksikäytöstä ja raiskauksesta
Date Posted: maaliskuu 5, 2021

dnrec muistuttaa yleisölle, että Cape henlopenin piste on suljettu vuoden 2021 rantapesäkaudeksi
Date posted: March 5, 2021

Delaware Division of the arts kutsuu yleisön kommentoimaan strategista suunnitelmaa
Date posted: 5. maaliskuuta 2021

AG Jennings Shuts Down Massive Charity Fraud Telefunding Operation
Date Posted: March 4, 2021

Delaware Sets Deer Harvest Record
Date Posted: March 4, 2021

State Auditor McGuiness releases clean auditations of Brandywine, Colonial School District Construction Projects
Date posted: March 3, 2021

Delaware surf-fishing luvat on myyty loppuun saavutettuaan vuosikatteen
Date posted: 3.maaliskuuta 2021

State Auditor McGuiness: Delaware ’ s CARES Act-lain rahoituskulut kasvavat 5 miljoonalla dollarilla edellisestä viikosta
Date Posted: March 1, 2021

March 2, 2021: COVID-19 Briefing
Date Posted: March 1, 2021, 2021

Gov. Carney, DPH Preparate for Johnson & Johnson covid-19 vaccine following FDA emergency use authorisation approval
Date posted: February 27, 2021

weekly covid – 19 update-Helmikuu. 26, 2021: Average Daily Cases, Current Hospitalizations Continue to Decline
Date Posted: February 26, 2021

Governor Carney, DPH, DEMA Announce Community COVID-19 Testing Sites
Date Posted: February 26, 2021

New Regulation Requirements Aimed at vähentää kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä tehokas Syyskuu. 1
Date Posted: February 26, 2021

dnrec Requires Croda to Take Actions protecting of Human Health and the Environment at Atlas Point Facility
Date Posted: 26. helmikuuta 2021

DPH Issues Order Formalising Second Dose Requirements; Creates Process to Report Rokotusrikkomukset
Date Posted: February 25, 2021

Delaware Tourism Office launches new incubator and workshop program for industry
Date Posted: February 25, 2021

valtio rokottaa lastenhoitajia Doverissa lauantaina
Date posted: 25. helmikuuta 2021

Friday FEMA Dover Second-Dose-tapaamiset ovat nyt avoinna niille, jotka saavat ensimmäisen annoksen tammikuun alussa tai sitä ennen. 29 from Any Provider
Date Posted: February 25, 2021

I-95 Northbound Lane and Ramp Closures in Final Preparation for Phase 1 Traffic Pattern
Date Posted: February 24, 2021

Delaware State Parks Fee Season to Begin March 1
lähetetty: February 24, 2021

Medicaid Providers Invited to Participate in Program to Increase Access to Medications to Treat Opioid Use Disorder
Date Posted: February 24, 2021

Delaware Surprases 100 000 Downloads of COVID Alert DE, the State ’ s Exposure notification app
Date posted: February 23, 2021

Governor Carney signs House Bill 11
Date posted: February 23, 2021

Delaware emitirá beneficios de emergencia para Febrero para hogares elegibles de SNAP, TANF y de asistencia general
Date Posted: February 23, 2021

2021 Brings Leadership Changes to Delawaren työministeriö
Date posted: February 23, 2021

February 23, 2021: covid-19 briefing
Date posted: Helmikuuta 2021

Delawaren Lipun Status - puolet henkilökunnasta
Lipun madaltaminen COVID-19: ään menehtyneiden 500 000 amerikkalaisen muistoksi
Date Posted: February 22, 2021

Delaware to Issue Emergency Benefits for February to Eligible SNAP, TANF, and general assistance household
Date posted: February 22, 2021

Delaware Department of Labor announces new features and updates to the Delaware Joblink website
Date posted: February 22, 2021

State Auditor McGuiness: Delaware ’ s CARES Act Funding Expendence Increases by $12 Million Over Previous Week
Date Posted: February 22, 2021

FEMA Dover Second-Dose Slots to Open to Those With First Dose on or Before Jan. 22 from Any Provider
Date Posted: February 22, 2021

Pond Trout Season to Open Early
Date Posted: February 22, 2021

Official Seal of the Insurance Commissioner of Delaware
Careful Consideration of Insurance Plans kehotettu aikana Special Enrollment Period
pvm lähetetty: Helmikuuta 2021

weekly COVID-19 Update – Feb. 19, 2021: New Positive Cases, Current Hospitalizations Continue to Trend Down
Date Posted: February 19, 2021

Governor Carney, DPH, DEMA Announce Community COVID-19 Testing Sites
Date Posted: February 19, 2021

governor Carney updates Omnibus Covid-19 emergency Order
Date posted: February 19, 2021

update: Delawaren osavaltion toimistot New Castlen piirikunnassa on nyt suljettu torstaina 18. helmikuuta 2021
Date Posted: February 18, 2021

Sewer Break disclosures Water into St. Jones River
Date Posted: February 17, 2021

FEMA Second dose Clinic at Dover International Speedway to begin Sunday due to weather
Date posted: February 17, 2021

State Auditor Kathy McGuiness: Department of Corrections could have saved $44.1 million On Prison prescription costs
Date posted: February 16, 2021

AG Jennings releases legislative priorities for 2021
Date Posted: February 16, 2021

Delaware ’ s State Employee Charitable Campaign Accepting Nonprofit Applications
Date Posted: February 16, 2021

Feman uutinen: FEMA ja Delawaren viranomaiset avaavat Covid-19-rokotuskeskuksen Doverissa
Date Posted: February 16, 2021

investigation of closed Solvay Polymer facility
Date posted: February 16, 2021

February 16, 2021: COVID-19 Briefing
Date Posted: February 16, 2021

Logo for the Division of historic and Cultural Affairs Division Celebrates Women ' s HistoryDate Posted: February 15, 2021

State Auditor McGuiness: Delaware ’ s federal cares Act funding expending reaches 69 percent of Total Allotment
Date posted: February 15, 2021

icy road conditions expected Saturday Night
Date posted: Helmikuuta 2021

weekly COVID-19 Update – Feb. 12, 2021: New Positive Cases Flatten as Hospitalizations Trend Down
Date Posted: February 13, 2021

Governor Carney, DPH, DEMA Announce Community COVID-19 Testing Sites
Date Posted: February 12, 2021

valtion tilintarkastaja McGuiness onnittelee Dnrec: tä vaarallisten aineiden rahaston puhtaasta tilintarkastuksesta
Date posted: February 12, 2021

Covid Vaccine Webinar for people with disability
Date Posted: February 11, 2021


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