00:07hi in this tutorial I like to give to
00:12any commands where how to clean the
00:16console so perusly first will scan the
00:19console and clean the environment
00:20variables right now we only have one
00:22ympäristömuuttuja what we want when
00:24se when we work a lot there is a lot
00:27of environment Wave was created here and
00:30 to remove one by one it ’ s really a mess
00:33so it is a very easy commodity so let me
00:37first creep quickly some variables let
00:43me see just right now I ’m just creating
00:52because I just need to show the
00:54funktionality but in real life for show
00:58we will create some mielekäs name no
01:02like H and all ok so if I want to clean
01:06first I watch I’ ll show you here if i
01:08want to clean this console which we did
01:11a lot of work so how to clean it so this
01:13is just press Ctrl + L and that ’ s it
01:17it ’s going sleep and now to clean this
01:21area so we can also do like remove as
01:26you but then it will remove this but
01:31then we have to type again one by one
01:33for all so the best way is to RM and
01:40then list
01:48list all the variables and then go for
01:54it that’ s it and you see now it ’ s all
01:57clear and empty thanks again thanks for