Inspirational Words of Wisdom

Another Year
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2017
Another year has passed
a birthday for you is in store
May you find this coming year
Be one with lots of open doors.
Follow your dreams
Remember you can achieve
All that you dream
Whatever your mind can conceive
So this poems brings
wishes for you
in hopes that the coming year
is filled with things you love to do.
a special person you are to meYou deserve the best of everything
Birthday Wishes for A Best of everything
a Heartfelt Wish
Poet: Kate Summers, ©2017
This heartfelt wish is just for you
Today is your special day
May all the dreams you do pursuit
Be realised in every way.
erityinen ihminen olet minulle
ansaitset parasta kaikesta
joten olkoon tämä syntymäpäivä ja tuleva vuosi
sellainen, joka tarjoaa sinulle parasta, mitä elämä voi tuoda tullessaan.
Wishing You
Poet: Kate Summers, © 2017
Wishing you much happiness, dear
on this special day
and for the next year
May blessings come your way.
Be thankful for each day you have
Thank God in heaven above
Fill your life with happy not sad
Remember you are loved.
Be thankful for every day you have
We Want You to Know
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2017
Happiness you do bring
To those who love you so
If we could give you anything
we want you to know:
we wish much happiness for you
In everything you do.
And always remember we love you
No matter what you do
May all your wishes come true this year
Because to us you are very dear.
a Birthday Wish
by Catherine Pulsifer, ©2017
This Birthday wish is just for you,
And I hope it comes true:
b e yourself, we love and appreciate you
I magine and achieve all you can be
R elax this day and celebrate another year
t ake time to look after you, you are so dear
h umor, never lose your sense of humor
d etermination you do have that great quality
a ttitude, yours is positive and feeled by others
y esterday is gone, tomor is not here, live today and enjoy the year.
Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not here, elä tänään ja nauti vuodesta.
Happy Birthday Wishes
Time Goes By
Poet: Kate Summers, © 2017
vuodet kuluvat niin nopeasti
tuntuu kuin vasta eilen
meillä olisi syntymäpäiväjälki
ja nyt kokonainen vuosi on taas mennyt ohi.
aika kuluu ja sitten näemme
kuinka Vuodet vain tuntuvat lentävän
tiedän, että olet kanssani samaa mieltä
se on elämän tosiasia, jota emme voi kieltää
joten elä tänä vuonna
Be all that you can be
As we will turn around
And next year will be here.
the Passing Years
Poet: Edward Tuck
ikä on mielen ominaisuus:
If you have left your dreams behind,
If hope is lost,
If you no longer look ahead,
If your ambition ’ s fires are dead,
Then you are old.
But if from life you take the best
And if in life you keep the jest,
If love you hold,
No matter how the years go by,
No matter how the birthdays fly,

you are not old.
Here Is a Wish
Poet: John McLeod
Here is a wish that says:
Warm, happy hours be yours
Shadows are of passing note
But healing laughter cures.
Be, therefore, ever joyful, Friend,
And walk on gladsome feet
Towards tomorrow ’ s brand new dawn
And promise sweet!
Hard to Believe
Poet: Kate Summers, © 2017
It ’ s hard to believe you are celebrating another birthday
It was only yesterday your life was full of play
Now here you are with accomplishments in life
And your attitude is one without striff
we are so proud of you
we wish you success in all you do.
So on this day we wish you well
we think you are special and oh, how swell!
As I Grow Old
Poet: Arnold West
God, keep my heart attuned to laughter
when youth is done;
when all the days are gray days, coming after
the warm, The sun.
God keep me then from bitterness, from
When life seems cold;
God keep me always loving and believing
As I grow old.
God keep me always loving and believingAs I grow old. Arnold West
Inspirational Prayers
Another Year
Poet: Theodore W. Higginsworth © 2017
Another birthday, another year
May you have problems that katos
May you have health
And a bit of wealth
May you share
With those who care
May the coming year
Be one of good cheer.
ikää ei kannata pelätä
runoilija: Catherine Pulsifer© 2017
Another birthday, another year
Remember though that age is not to be feared
you are just achieving your prime
Here ’s to your health and living a long time
As they say, be happy, don’ t worry
Enjoy your life and don ’ t be in a Hope
we take this opportunity to wish you
Happiness in all you do.
we appreciate your caring
Your always willingness for sharing
Thank you, for being you
we love you and all you do.
muista vaikka, että ikää ei kannata pelätä;Olet juuri saavuttamassa prime
The Happiest Age
Poet: Wilhelmina Stitch
What age is happiest?
Jos olisit minulta kysynyt,
I would have made this please:
The Now is best.
What joy to live with zest every newborn day;
and from the Moment wrest what Life will give away.
menneisyys on vain vieras, joka tuli ja meni,
ja jätti tämän yhden käskyn: olla tyytyväinen.
Think how to-day is blest!
We ’ ve eyes to see Nature in Beauty drest for you, for me.
What matter that the crest of Youth is past.
nuoruus elää rinnan sisällä iloja, jotka kestävät.
The will to do our best, and hands for giving.
Oh! Nyt on onnellisin, paras aika elää!
mikä ikä on onnellisin?
Oh! kuule lupaukseni, sillä olen pannut koetukselle –
onnellisimmat nyt.
Sweet huokaa ja kiltisti vitsailevat lämmöstä ja ilosta;
ja rakkauden korkein testamentti kruunaa vuoden.
runoilija: Greta Zwaan, © 2015
ajattelen vanhenemista lahjana, etuoikeutena josta nauttia,
En tilana tai tyhjänä aikana, joka on helppo tuhota.

vuosien uurastus on nyt historiaa, voimasi on melkein käytetty,
mutta kaikki jäljellä olevat päivät ovat varmasti taivaan lähettämiä.
sinulla on nyt aikaa muistella menneitä vuosia;
muistelet kaikkia niitä asioita, joita olet tehnyt ja nyt ihmettelet ”miksi?”
pysähdyt ja ajattelet ja haluat tietää, miksi nuoruus niin nopeasti lensi,
aika sitten oli lyhyt, vain ohikiitävä; niin paljon jäi sinulle.
Ja nyt perheesi on kasvanut ja mennyt, he ovat hajallaan, kaukana;
ja kun mietit menneisyyttä, tunnet itsesi joka päivä yksinäiseksi.
but I know one sweet promise to those who are God ’s own,
” I ’ll always walk beside you, you’ re never left alone.”
your prayers aren ’t left unanswered, there’ s still much you can do;
harkitse esirukoilua myös häntä tarvitseville.
kun ihmiset tuntevat itsensä eksyneiksi ja yksinäisiksi, tervehtikää heitä hymyillen,
ja antakaa heille vakuutus siitä, että elämä on edelleen kannattavaa.
you ’re still here for a reason, so do the best you can;
you have God’ s talents that fit in His plan.

Happy Birthday Poems

Thinking Of You
Poet: Theodore W. Higginsworth, ©2017
Thinking of you today with love
Your a special person who gives us much pleasure
we thank God above
As He sent us a special treasure.
May this year bring you
Success and happiness in all you do
a very Happy Birthday
Is our wish for you!
May this year bring you Success and happiness in all you do a very Happy Birthday Is our wish for you!
21st Birthday Quotes plus 30th, 40th, 50th
a Very Happy Birthday
Poet: Kate Summers, © 2017
a very Happy Birthday to you
Don ’ t let your age make you feel blue
Another year old and wiser you are
you should feel like a shining star.
Age is just a number you see
What ’ s important is for you to be
Loving and living every day with glee
And celebrating for all to see.
so be happy with this special day
we hope this card which is sent your way
Will make you realist you lucky you are
To have live your life so long this far.
Best wishes and kisses we do send
Over the miles and around the bend
a happy, happy day to you
we are celebrating with you too.
Terveisiä ja suukkoja lähetämme kilometrien yli ja mutkan taakse onnellisen, onnellisen päivän sinulle juhlimme myös kanssasi.
Happy Birthday Cuz
the Best of Birthdays
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2017
Wishing you the best of birthdays
May the coming year be special in all ways
your age makes us oivaltaa miten aika on lentänyt
it was just like yesterday that you were two.
we wish you happiness and health
And never forget that the important things are not wealth
Be happy don’t be blue
Happy Birthday, we love you.
Happy Birthday
Poet: Theodore W. Higginsworth, ©2017
my wish for you on this special day
Is that the coming year goes well
And may life treat you great in all the ways
That my wish and words can ’ t tell.
Behind you now is yesterday
Let your experience and knowledge tasoittaa tietä
Here ’ s to you and to your success
we know you will give it your best.
so happy, happy birthday
we wish you many more
and on this day to you we say
we know life has good things in store
and may your future be as happyAs all the memories you treasure.
Happy Birthday Sister
Wishing You
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer© 2017
Here is a birthday wish for you
One that is loving, happy and true
a wish for happiness and best things
the coming year to you will bring.
Today I am wishing you a very Happy Birthday
a day filled with every pleasure
And may your future be as happy
As all the memories you treasure.
paljon onnea vaan!
Happy Birthday Sister in Law
My Sister
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer© 2018
My sister, my friend it ’ s your birthday today
I send you this jae on this, a special day:
Roses are red, orvokit are blue
a very Happy Birthday is wished for you!
more Happy Birthday Sister Poems

Funny Birthday Poems

To Age
Poet: Unknown
To age to age! Miksi kukaan välittää?
kun rypyt pitenevät,
ja harmaa hellii hiuksia.
elämän tulisi olla yksinkertaista,
koska kun push comes to shove,
the only one counting is the good Lord above!
runoilija: tuntematon
runoilija: Tuntematon
”metalliseen” aikaan
kultaa hampaissamme,
hopeaa hiuksissamme,
ja lyijyä housuissamme.
Another candle on your cake?
no, se ei ole syy murjottaa.
Be glad that you have strength enough
To blow the candle out!
Be glad that you have strength enough brto blow the candle out!
Hauskat Syntymäpäivälainaukset

Lyhyet Syntymäpäivärunot

toista vuotta vanhemmat,
Katso sitä näin.
olet vain päivän vanhempi,
kuin eilen.
poet Unknown
Happy birthday to you,
And many to be,
with friends who are true,
As you are to me.
poet Unknown
we wish you joy on your birthday,
and all the whole year through.
For all the best that life can hold,
Is none to good for you.
runoilija tuntematon


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