Muut tieteelliset ja tekniset konsulttipalvelut

tämä toimiala käsittää laitokset, jotka pääasiallisesti tarjoavat neuvontaa ja apua yrityksille ja muille organisaatioille tieteellisissä ja teknisissä kysymyksissä (paitsi ympäristöasioissa).

Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting ServicesParent NAICS Category

Federal Contract IDVs

Contractive Delivery Contract 140g0121d0010department of the Interior US Geological Survey Office of Acquisitions and GrantsSCIENCE & TECH SUPPORT IDIQ – NE REGIONMar 19 2021Last UpdateIndefinite Delivery Contract 36C25521D0034Department Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration Veterans integrated service network 15physio service CONTRACTMAR 15 2021last updateindefinite Delivery Contract 140g0321d0001digerior US Geological Survey Office of Acquisitions and GrantsBASE IDIQ BIOLOGICAL SURVEYING DESERT TORTOISEMar 03 2021last UpdateIndefinite Delivery Contract 15bnas21d00000083department of Justice Bureau of Prisons Central OfficeRADIOLOGICAL SURVEY SERVICES NOTE: erillinen TEHTÄVÄMÄÄRÄYS annetaan etukäteen kaikille vaadituille palveluille.Maalis 01 2021last UpdateIndefinite Delivery Contract 140g0121d0009decuration of the Interior US Geological Survey Office of Acquisitions and GrantsFIELD OBSERVATION STUDY OF MINING ACTIVITIES in AFGHANISTANFeb 18 2021last Update

Federal Contract Awards

Delivery Order n6247316d2403-n6247321f4169delight Naval Facilities Engineering CommandX014 ENV SUPPORT FOR purkulaituri-ja rantakorjaamotsdec 14 2020, 12:00 amLast Update Purchase Order 36c24121p0425 Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration Veterans Integrated Service Network 1HEALTH PHYSICS SERVICESMar 15 2021, 12:00 amLast Update Purchase Order N0017821p6621 Navy Naval Sea Systems CommandSWE CORPORATE MEMBERSHIPNov 20 2020, 12:00 amLast Updatedelähetys Order 36c26318d0015-36c26321n0452 veteraaniasioiden osasto veteraanien Terveyshallinto veteraanien integroitu palveluverkosto 23sertifioitu kirurgiset teknologiapalvelut Stealth navigation oy3feb 23 2021, 12:00 amLast updated Finitive Contract 89243121csc000092energiateknisten palvelujen energiaviraston osasto Tukimar 05 2021, 12:00 amLast Update

Federal Contract Opportunities

Tech Challenge notifications
Department of the Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Centre this Special Announcement is to informate all interested parties that US Army Engineer Research & Development keskus (erdc) mahdollisuudet mahdollisiin kaukaisiin ja ei-kaukopohjaisiin sopimustoimiin, palkintohaasteisiin, other transaction authority (ota) op…Maalis 05 2020last Updateeth Understorm 22-1: modernising Combat Planning and Operations by Leveraging AI / ML enabled XR Technologies
Department of DefenseThunderstorm 22-1: modernising Combat Planning and Operations by Leveraging AI / ML enabled XR TechnologiesSYNOPSIS: Technology Demonstration and Experimentation CollaborationA. Johdanto: tämän tietopyynnön (RFI) tarkoituksena on niin…Jan 29 2021last UpdateSpace Weather Prediction Center Scientific and Technical Services
Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationThis is a notice of intention to a sole-source contract to the University of Michigan (UM) and is not a request for competitive proposals. The Department of Commerce, NOAA Acquisition and Grants Office (AGO), Western Acquisition Division (WAD) ja…Feb 25 2021last UpdateProgrammatic Biological Assessment-Revised
Department of the Army Materiel Command Army Contracting Command Aberdeen Proving GroundThis is a full and open combined synopsis. Mahdollinen tarjouskilpailu tehdään Kiinteähintaisesta Kiinteähintaisesta sopimuksesta, jonka perusjakso on yksi (1) vuosi ja valinnainen kuuden (6) kuukauden jakso.    urakoitsija toimittaa kaiken työvoiman, materiaalit, varusteet…Maaliskuu 24 2021last UpdateCôte d ’ Ivoire Sector Studies TVET Project
Millennium Challenge Corporation This is a combined synopsis/requitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in Subscribe 12.6 and subscribe 13.5, as compleded with added with additional information in this notice.Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) on…Maaliskuuta 2021last Update


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