Reddit-Kreikka-eri tapoja sanoa ”rakastan sinua” kreikaksi?

sekalaiset lauseet. Jotkut romanttinen, jotkut ei niin romanttinen (parit, jotka ovat sukupuoli tilassa).

i like you. – Se ghustaro-Haluan / kuten sinä. (slag puoli espanjaa)

i like you – M’ aresees – I like you.

turn me on – me anavees – you turn me on.

you make me horny – me kavlonees – you make me horny.

i am in love – The with you-Eeme erotevmenos-ee (m – f) mazee su-I am in love with you.

i find her with you-Tee vreesko mazee su-I” feel nice ” when with you.

you excite me – me exeetarees – you excite me.

i fall in love with you – Se erotevome – I am falling in love with you.

i have fallen in love with you – Se eho eroteftee – I have fallen in love with you.

i want you to want me – Thelo na me thelees-I want you to want me.

i miss you-Moo Leepees-I miss you.

i missed you-Moo eleeps-I missed you.

come here – Ela Moo edho-Come here, to me.

i cheer you up-Se kano kefee-I want you.

i want to eat you – Thelo na se FAO – I want to eat you. (weird but works)

i satiate you – Dhe se horteno – I cannot have enough of you.

kadehdin sinua-Se zeelevo-olen kateellinen sinulle. (sometimes in a good way/depends when it is used)

i ’m dying for you – Petheno gia’ sena – I am dying for you. (…niin vahva rakkauteni on. jne… riippuu siitä, miten ja milloin)

i am crazy for you – Eeme trelee ghia ’sena – I am crazy for you.

you drive me crazy – me trelenees – you re making / make me crazy. (käytetään hyvällä ja/tai huonolla tavalla)

My Star – Asteree moo – Star of mine.

My Eyes-Matya moo-Eyes of mine.

You Are My World – Eese O kosmos moo – you are my world.

you are my being – Eese to eene moo – you are my existence.

you Are My Light – Eese to fos moo-you are my light.

you are my life – Eese ee zoee moo-You are my life.

you are my worship – Eese ee latreea moo – you are my adored one.

My Eyes – Mateea moo – Eyes of mine / my eyes.

My Light-Fos moo-Light of mine / my light.

My Life-Zoee moo-Life of mine / My life.

worship me-Latreea moo-my adored one.

näen sinut ja sulan – Se vlepo ke leeono – näen sinut ja sulan. (…rakkaudesta sinuun…)

fuck me-Yameese me-Fuck me.

fix me-Fteeaxe me-Turn me on (kirjaimellisesti: fix me)

Light Me – Anapse me – Turn me on.

Kiss Me-Feel Me-Kiss Me.

i want to fuck – Thelo na yameethoome-I want us to fuck.

i want you-Se thelo-I want you.

i adore you-Se latrevo-I adore you.

you have stolen my heart – Moo ehees klepsee teen kardhia – you have stolen my heart.

you have made me crazy – me ehees trelanee – you have made me crazy.

kun käytät lausetyyppejä ”me to you / you to me etc”, voit käyttää lopussa sanaa ”Πολυ – Polee”, joka tarkoittaa paljon.

mutta jos haluat vain sanoa ”rakastan sinua”, on vain yksi tapa, Käytä vain ”S’ agapao / s’ agapo”.tai f. e.

s ’ agapo polee = I love you a lot. S ’ agapo toso polee! = Rakastan sinua niin paljon!


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